
Areas For Fitness Training Recommended By The Mayo Clinic

A report has been released by the Mayo Clinic that identifies five (5) areas that need to be targeted for a balanced fitness program. The areas identified in the report include 1) aerobic fitness, 2) muscular fitness, 3) stretching, 4) core stability and 5) balance training. Each item will be discussed below.

 1. Aerobic Fitness:
 Aerobic fitness is often called cardiovascular fitness. Aerobic fitness is essential to weight loss and total fitness because it helps the lungs, heart and blood vessels move oxygen through the system more efficiently.

 Aerobic or cardiovasculr exercise should be done at least two and one half (2-1/2) hours each week for a moderate aerobic activity or at least seventy five (75) minutes for vigorous exercise. Aerobic exercises should be spread throughout the week.

 2. Muscular Fitness:
 Muscular fitness exercise should be done at least two to three times during the week. Muscular exercises help with muscular fitness along with increasing bone strength. Muscular strength is necessary as we grow older.

 Equipment is not necessary to maintain muscular fitness if you have a fitness program that includes body strengthening exercises like push-ups, chin ups and squats along with others.

 3. Stretching:
 Stretching is sometimes forgotten but it is critical for a well rounded program. All fitness coaches recommend that stretching be included in their fitness programs. All exercises make the muscles contract and flex so stretching of the muscles also needs to be included for a well rounded workout.

 Stretching is especially important for the later years to keep the body flexible to avoid a lot of the injuries that accompany old age.

 4. Core Stability:
 Core muscles are those in the body and include the abdomen muscles, lower back and the pelvis area. They should be included in fitness programs because they are needed for upper and lower body movements.

 5. Balance Training:
 Balance is often forgotten in physical fitness programs but it needs to be included in a well rounded program. Balance is essential to everyday life functions and it tends to deteriorate with age so it imperative that a good program be maintained.

 Developing a good balance training regimen will add quality to life.

