The top 3 abdominal exercises that will shred your midsection for the 6 pack of your dreams. These exercises have to be performed together as they will maximise your muscle's capacity to burn fat. Each exercise should take at least 10 minutes; you have to apply these exercises constantly for 30 minutes daily. It may take around 90 days, depending on your genes, for you to get the desired results. So get off your lazy butt and start making some changes to your life.
Elbow Dumbbells
Balance your body with your elbows as you would when you are doing push ups. Hold a light weight dumbbell on your right and balance your body with your left elbow, make sure that your feet are parallel to each other, and then lift the dumbbell from your right thigh towards a 90 degrees angle, keep your right arm straight and repeat the process again, do the same for the right elbow. Your arms should be parallel to the floor and your biceps should be perpendicular to the floor for you to perform this exercise effectively. Do this exercise in 4 sets of 10 repetitions.
Lower Abs Exercise
Balance your body with your elbows as you would when you are doing push ups. Move you right knee towards your stomach until you feel the muscles in your left leg stretch, do the same for your left knee. Picture this exercise like athletes when they are about to start a race. Do this exercise in 4 sets of 10 repetitions.
Elbow Plank
Balance your body with your elbows as you would when you are doing push ups. Now stay in this position for at least 3 minutes for each set. Do it 3 times to make up for the 10 minute mark.
Like I said, these 3 exercises are easy, but they are not as easy you think. Their purpose is to trim your midsection and your abdomen as a whole. Be careful, when you feel pain in your neck it usually means that you have to stop. Take a few minutes to rest and recoup between each set, ideally you should rest for about 1 minute in each set. Also it is a good idea to place arm bands around your elbows as this will make you comfortable during the process, placing your elbows in direct contact with the floor for such a long time may disturb the flow of blood. It is very important to drink at least a litter of water after performing this exercise.