Here're some great tips for a get ripped workout. It'll be hard work, but you'll be able to get chiseled, and look great and muscular!
So, here are the essentials for a get ripped workout...
Do Big Lifts
Big lifts like the squat, bench press, clean and press, bent over barbell row, and the standing barbell press. All of these place a tremendous strain on your body, and really trigger lots of muscular growth.
Now, you can do bodybuilding style workouts with lots of little lifts. But frankly, those take a ton of time in the gym and aren't the beset use of your time. And if you're actually trying to develop usable strength, big multi-joint lifts are much better.
Especially if you're just starting out, devoting your time to a simple, well designed workout is really what you need. A few big lifts, done once or twice or (at most) three times a week will give you awesome benefits.
Commit and Just Do It
Yes, find a simple workout and just do it! That's all there is to it.
I meet so many people out there who don't go to the gym very regularly, but keep researching and talking about fine-tuning the 'perfect' get ripped workout. Give me a break.
Even with a poorly designed workout, you'll get great benefits from just committing and working it hard. In the beginning this is even more true - just working hard on something simple, you'll beat those people who want to perfect everything before their next workout.
Don't let the perfect become the enemy of the good. Choose a simple workout, and stick with it.
Eat More
To put on muscle, you need to eat more. After all, muscle doesn't grow out of thin air!
Now, not too much more than usual. But enough protein and fuel so that you can build more muscle after a workout.
If you eat too much more, you'll put on fat along with muscle. But you do need to eat some more than usual to allow your muscles to grow.
Ab Exercises
Ab exercises will help make your abdominal muscles stronger and more defined. And you can easily add a few to the end of your workout and call it good.
However, really try to incorporate bigger lifts into your workout that work your abdominal muscles. Lifts like the overhead barbell press, weighted chin-up, and front squat will build larger leg, arm, and back muscles along with strong abdominal muscles.
If you really want to make a get ripped workout work, you need to watch your diet. There's just no other way to get ripped.
See, putting on muscle with your workout isn't so hard. But to get ripped, you just need to drop some body fat.
Once you've dropped enough body fat, your muscles will be able to show through. And when that happens, you'll see how well your get ripped workout has become.
If you want more info on how to workout and eat to get ripped, check out the links below. They'll accelerate your progress, and make the whole process much easier.
Why Does Shaun T Insanity Workout Works
The program is an intensive workout that utilizes bursts of heavy exertions alternated with intervals of rest periods. This program is only for those who are in good physical condition.
The Insanity Workout Guide was developed by Shaun Thompson and released in 2009 for Beachbody Inc. It involves an intensive training program that requires long periods of medium intensity exercise then succeeded by short bursts of exhaustive effort then followed by a short period of rest. The interval training which is being used in sports conditioning is also an effective exercise strategies as demonstrated in my Insanity Workout review
Insanity Workout Review
The program includes 10 DVDs. In the first DVD, which is aptly titled "Dig Deeper and Fit Test"; the body is put to the test to find out the capabilities of one's body. The second DVD, "Polymeric Cardio Circuit", aims to burn fat periods of intense plyo for the lower body and cardio exercises to make the body sweat. The third DVD, "Cardio Power and Resistance", helps build lean muscle and define the upper body with strength training and power moves. The fourth DVD, "Cardio Recovery", contains easy exercises that will prepare the body for next round of intensive workouts. The fifth DVD, "Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs", is an intensive cardio workout without the rest intervals.
The sixth DVD, "Core Cardio and Balance", is some sort of a break after finishing one month of the Insanity Workout fitness regimen. It contains easy exercises. The seventh DVD, "Max Interval Circuit & Fit Test", contains more intensive fitness exercises. The eighth DVD, "Max Interval Plyo", works out the legs to the max. The ninth DVD, "Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs", is an extreme cardio workout that pushes one's limits. The tenth DVD, "Max Recovery", is less strenuous but still builds strength for the next round of intensive exercises.
The Insanity Work Out nutrition guide encourages one to have five meals a day at 2.5 to 3 hours intervals. It contains fifty recipes with varied suggestions for food substitutes. It also encourages one to have 300-500 calories per meal during the first month of training. During the second month, more calories need to be consumed because the metabolism is working faster and harder because of the intense workouts.
A personal Insanity Workout Review of Toni Young at reveals that he was afraid at first to try the workout but when he did, he was able to get rid of his unattractive love handles and unsightly muffin tops. Now, he is able to show off his toned arms and legs and his sexy abs.
Another Intensity Workout Review from Amazon by Emily Cullen says that she is satisfied with the program and that although she is very tired after the workout, she feels that she has accomplished something from it.
The Insanity Workout Guide was developed by Shaun Thompson and released in 2009 for Beachbody Inc. It involves an intensive training program that requires long periods of medium intensity exercise then succeeded by short bursts of exhaustive effort then followed by a short period of rest. The interval training which is being used in sports conditioning is also an effective exercise strategies as demonstrated in my Insanity Workout review
Insanity Workout Review
The program includes 10 DVDs. In the first DVD, which is aptly titled "Dig Deeper and Fit Test"; the body is put to the test to find out the capabilities of one's body. The second DVD, "Polymeric Cardio Circuit", aims to burn fat periods of intense plyo for the lower body and cardio exercises to make the body sweat. The third DVD, "Cardio Power and Resistance", helps build lean muscle and define the upper body with strength training and power moves. The fourth DVD, "Cardio Recovery", contains easy exercises that will prepare the body for next round of intensive workouts. The fifth DVD, "Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs", is an intensive cardio workout without the rest intervals.
The sixth DVD, "Core Cardio and Balance", is some sort of a break after finishing one month of the Insanity Workout fitness regimen. It contains easy exercises. The seventh DVD, "Max Interval Circuit & Fit Test", contains more intensive fitness exercises. The eighth DVD, "Max Interval Plyo", works out the legs to the max. The ninth DVD, "Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs", is an extreme cardio workout that pushes one's limits. The tenth DVD, "Max Recovery", is less strenuous but still builds strength for the next round of intensive exercises.
The Insanity Work Out nutrition guide encourages one to have five meals a day at 2.5 to 3 hours intervals. It contains fifty recipes with varied suggestions for food substitutes. It also encourages one to have 300-500 calories per meal during the first month of training. During the second month, more calories need to be consumed because the metabolism is working faster and harder because of the intense workouts.
A personal Insanity Workout Review of Toni Young at reveals that he was afraid at first to try the workout but when he did, he was able to get rid of his unattractive love handles and unsightly muffin tops. Now, he is able to show off his toned arms and legs and his sexy abs.
Another Intensity Workout Review from Amazon by Emily Cullen says that she is satisfied with the program and that although she is very tired after the workout, she feels that she has accomplished something from it.
Top Three Summer 2012 Workout Ideas
It's never too early to start thinking about summer. Everyone always wants that perfect, toned body just in time for the hot season, and once summer approaches, you want to make sure you stay in fantastic shape all the way through as well. There are some fantastic workout ideas that you can use as the summer nears, and during the summer, to get your body into the best shape it's ever been in. Use these ideas to stay motivated, stay moving forward and stay looking great.
1. Bikram yoga - Yoga of all kinds is more popular than ever before, but Bikram yoga is really picking up its own popularity level as well. Bikram yoga is also known as hot yoga. It's a specific set of several dozen yoga poses done with instruction in a room with very high heat. The high heat makes you sweat much more, and also make you burn off a huge load of calories as your body is taxed to the max. It will take a lot of mental dedication as well as physical effort, but the rewards will be huge for your body, toning all of the major muscle groups and slimming you down in every way.
2. Teams and Sports - As we become adults, we tend to forget about team athletics and all other kinds of sporting events and activities which provide great exercise. You don't have to run on a treadmill or train with weights in order to get a great training session in. Instead, for summer 2011, spend more time outdoors than ever before and get involved with team sporting events. Even a summer coed softball team or volleyball team can be a great way to get more activity into your routine and burn more calories, and you'll be having a great time all the while as well.
3. Hiking - Another great way to enjoy the weather while getting in some great training and calorie burning is hiking. It will be perfect for summer 2011, helping you to get outdoors and explore some great areas while fitting in really excellent training sessions, which will push your cardio, work up a sweat, and even help tone up your muscles. All of that fresh air will serve you well too, and you can hike on your own, with a few friends, or with that special someone as a great bonding experience that gets you into shape at the same time.
Of course, this has been just a few quick summer 2011 workout ideas, and there are many others that you can take advantage of as well. The main thing you want to do is take part in activities which you enjoy, because that means that you'll keep on utilizing them, and you'll stay on track with your plan. It's never too soon to start planning for summer and the way you want to look and feel, so start putting these great workout ideas to use today and you'll be a better you when that first heat wave strikes and you want to show off your new, toned beach body.
1. Bikram yoga - Yoga of all kinds is more popular than ever before, but Bikram yoga is really picking up its own popularity level as well. Bikram yoga is also known as hot yoga. It's a specific set of several dozen yoga poses done with instruction in a room with very high heat. The high heat makes you sweat much more, and also make you burn off a huge load of calories as your body is taxed to the max. It will take a lot of mental dedication as well as physical effort, but the rewards will be huge for your body, toning all of the major muscle groups and slimming you down in every way.
2. Teams and Sports - As we become adults, we tend to forget about team athletics and all other kinds of sporting events and activities which provide great exercise. You don't have to run on a treadmill or train with weights in order to get a great training session in. Instead, for summer 2011, spend more time outdoors than ever before and get involved with team sporting events. Even a summer coed softball team or volleyball team can be a great way to get more activity into your routine and burn more calories, and you'll be having a great time all the while as well.
3. Hiking - Another great way to enjoy the weather while getting in some great training and calorie burning is hiking. It will be perfect for summer 2011, helping you to get outdoors and explore some great areas while fitting in really excellent training sessions, which will push your cardio, work up a sweat, and even help tone up your muscles. All of that fresh air will serve you well too, and you can hike on your own, with a few friends, or with that special someone as a great bonding experience that gets you into shape at the same time.
Of course, this has been just a few quick summer 2011 workout ideas, and there are many others that you can take advantage of as well. The main thing you want to do is take part in activities which you enjoy, because that means that you'll keep on utilizing them, and you'll stay on track with your plan. It's never too soon to start planning for summer and the way you want to look and feel, so start putting these great workout ideas to use today and you'll be a better you when that first heat wave strikes and you want to show off your new, toned beach body.
Top 4 Core Workout Exercises For Quick Results
The top 4 core workout exercises for quick results are those that use your own body weight for resistance, and are integrated with an all-over-body conditioning routine.
Floor exercises that use your body weight are one of the most effective ways, if not the best way, to bring about rapid change to core muscles. When we speak of core exercises, we are referring to a workout that engages all major muscle groups, from the pelvic region, beyond the abdominals, towards the thoracic (chest) region, and includes the back muscles.
Primarily you are lifting a percentage of your own weight to increase stability and build muscle core. With some targeted core workout exercises gravity is an additional agitator to speed up results.
In performing core exercises prepare for a challenge, away from the basic "crunch" routine. If you are a beginner, plank exercises with extended variations, may seem exceptionally daunting. For this reason bodyweight push-ups and plank combinations are geared towards individuals who are at a higher fitness level to prevent injuries.
Top 4 Core Workout Exercises
Start exercises with 2 minutes of light stretches and warm up exercises to increase blood flow and flexibility in the joints muscles.
A floor mat is recommended, though not required.
Number 1: Elbow Plank Combo
3 Variations/50 Sec Count
Get into a regular plank position on elbows and toes. Tighten abdominals, keep back straight and neck aligned
Hold position for a count of 10 seconds
Lift right leg up in the air for 10 seconds
Return to starting plank
Transition to left leg and repeat for another 10 seconds
Return to starting plank
Transition into knee-to-chest exercise, alternate each leg for a count of 20 seconds.
Rest for 10 seconds; start next exercise.
Number 2: Crocodile Crawl (Push-Up Position with Hand Crawl)
30 Second Count
Begin in push up position
Lower torso just inches away from the floor (don't sag), hold for 10 seconds
In the same lowered position crawl hands to the right, adjust legs to regain neutral position, hold for 10 seconds
Repeat on the left, holding for another 10 seconds.
Rest for 10 seconds; continue with next exercise.
Number 3: Burpee
10 -20 Counts
Begin in squat position with hands on floor in front of you
Kick your feet back to a push up position
Do one push-up
Immediately return your feet to squat position
Leap as high as possible from squat position
Repeat 10 - 20 times
Rest for 10 seconds; continue with next exercise.
Number 4: Side Plank Variation
20 Count each side
Lie on left side feet together. Left hand on the floor for support and right hand behind head, push off from hip to side plank position, body aligned
Hold for 20 seconds
Repeat on right side
For more challenge lift the top leg off the ground. Try to keep balanced. Do not sag. Repeat
End entire workout with stretches. For best results, perform core exercises every other day in-between cardio exercises.
The plank is a good example of an isolation exercise used for developing core strength, and it really works!
The best part about a core workout is the freedom it gives in starting your exercise, anytime, anywhere and leaves little room for excuses.
Floor exercises that use your body weight are one of the most effective ways, if not the best way, to bring about rapid change to core muscles. When we speak of core exercises, we are referring to a workout that engages all major muscle groups, from the pelvic region, beyond the abdominals, towards the thoracic (chest) region, and includes the back muscles.
Primarily you are lifting a percentage of your own weight to increase stability and build muscle core. With some targeted core workout exercises gravity is an additional agitator to speed up results.
In performing core exercises prepare for a challenge, away from the basic "crunch" routine. If you are a beginner, plank exercises with extended variations, may seem exceptionally daunting. For this reason bodyweight push-ups and plank combinations are geared towards individuals who are at a higher fitness level to prevent injuries.
Top 4 Core Workout Exercises
Start exercises with 2 minutes of light stretches and warm up exercises to increase blood flow and flexibility in the joints muscles.
A floor mat is recommended, though not required.
Number 1: Elbow Plank Combo
3 Variations/50 Sec Count
Get into a regular plank position on elbows and toes. Tighten abdominals, keep back straight and neck aligned
Hold position for a count of 10 seconds
Lift right leg up in the air for 10 seconds
Return to starting plank
Transition to left leg and repeat for another 10 seconds
Return to starting plank
Transition into knee-to-chest exercise, alternate each leg for a count of 20 seconds.
Rest for 10 seconds; start next exercise.
Number 2: Crocodile Crawl (Push-Up Position with Hand Crawl)
30 Second Count
Begin in push up position
Lower torso just inches away from the floor (don't sag), hold for 10 seconds
In the same lowered position crawl hands to the right, adjust legs to regain neutral position, hold for 10 seconds
Repeat on the left, holding for another 10 seconds.
Rest for 10 seconds; continue with next exercise.
Number 3: Burpee
10 -20 Counts
Begin in squat position with hands on floor in front of you
Kick your feet back to a push up position
Do one push-up
Immediately return your feet to squat position
Leap as high as possible from squat position
Repeat 10 - 20 times
Rest for 10 seconds; continue with next exercise.
Number 4: Side Plank Variation
20 Count each side
Lie on left side feet together. Left hand on the floor for support and right hand behind head, push off from hip to side plank position, body aligned
Hold for 20 seconds
Repeat on right side
For more challenge lift the top leg off the ground. Try to keep balanced. Do not sag. Repeat
End entire workout with stretches. For best results, perform core exercises every other day in-between cardio exercises.
The plank is a good example of an isolation exercise used for developing core strength, and it really works!
The best part about a core workout is the freedom it gives in starting your exercise, anytime, anywhere and leaves little room for excuses.
The Best Home Workout Videos
Gyms can be intimidating and membership fees expensive. A simpler alternative is to get exercising with home workout videos. Check out our top picks for fitness DVDs.
Jane Fonda's Prime Time Fit and Strong
At 73, few women can boast of a body as fit as Jane Fonda's. With Prime Time Fit and Strong, Ms. Fonda lets you in on her fitness secrets. The DVD is comprised of two 25-minute workout routines and is targeted at everyone, regardless of fitness level. All the exercises can be done sitting and standing; they are guaranteed to burn fat, strengthen your core and tone all muscle groups thoroughly. You'll also enjoy Fonda's expert tips and her calm and supportive tone.
Billy Blanks' Tae-Bo Get Celebrity Fit Sculpt
With his latest DVD, famous fitness expert Billy Blanks brings you some fantastic Tae Bo moves as part of an invigorating workout routine. Blanks will show you how to attain a toned and sculpted physique. The best part about this DVD is his holistic, total-body focus. The 44-minute DVD has some heart-pounding exercises (kicks, stretches, cardio, etc.), great music and expert tips to condition your entire body. You'll love Blanks' enthusiasm and the way he makes exercising so much fun!
The Biggest Loser: The Workout
If weight loss is your goal, you can't go wrong with The Workout from the same people who brought you The Biggest Loser. In this 109 minute DVD, you'll have access to various segments that focus on warm ups, high/low intensity cardio, bootcamp, weights and stretches, strengthen/sculpt and cool downs. This allows you to mix and match segments to create a customised workout plan. The Workout is an intense and challenging workout regimen.
Cream Ibiza Dance Workout
Renowned clubbing name Cream brings you the Ibiza Dance Workout, geared towards aerobics enthusiasts. Ibiza Dance Workout is full of energy and fun as it takes you through some seriously exhilarating exercises while swinging to classic club hits. The exercises/dance moves are classified into sections such as Combat, Fat Burner and Bums/Tums, all of which are easy to learn and will help you attain a completely toned and lissom body.
Pilates Weekly Workout
If Pilates is more your thing, go for this one. Pilates Weekly Workout comes with three 25 minute routines that will relax and strengthen your body. You can follow each routine separately or combine them to create your own Pilates plan. The exercises focus on working your postural muscles, endurance, flexibility, coordination and muscle rebalancing. The instructor, Lynne Robinson, is knowledgeable and will patiently guide you through every exercise.
Convenient and affordable, fitness DVDs are popular worldwide. Pick one of these, depending on what appeals to you.
Jane Fonda's Prime Time Fit and Strong
At 73, few women can boast of a body as fit as Jane Fonda's. With Prime Time Fit and Strong, Ms. Fonda lets you in on her fitness secrets. The DVD is comprised of two 25-minute workout routines and is targeted at everyone, regardless of fitness level. All the exercises can be done sitting and standing; they are guaranteed to burn fat, strengthen your core and tone all muscle groups thoroughly. You'll also enjoy Fonda's expert tips and her calm and supportive tone.
Billy Blanks' Tae-Bo Get Celebrity Fit Sculpt
With his latest DVD, famous fitness expert Billy Blanks brings you some fantastic Tae Bo moves as part of an invigorating workout routine. Blanks will show you how to attain a toned and sculpted physique. The best part about this DVD is his holistic, total-body focus. The 44-minute DVD has some heart-pounding exercises (kicks, stretches, cardio, etc.), great music and expert tips to condition your entire body. You'll love Blanks' enthusiasm and the way he makes exercising so much fun!
The Biggest Loser: The Workout
If weight loss is your goal, you can't go wrong with The Workout from the same people who brought you The Biggest Loser. In this 109 minute DVD, you'll have access to various segments that focus on warm ups, high/low intensity cardio, bootcamp, weights and stretches, strengthen/sculpt and cool downs. This allows you to mix and match segments to create a customised workout plan. The Workout is an intense and challenging workout regimen.
Cream Ibiza Dance Workout
Renowned clubbing name Cream brings you the Ibiza Dance Workout, geared towards aerobics enthusiasts. Ibiza Dance Workout is full of energy and fun as it takes you through some seriously exhilarating exercises while swinging to classic club hits. The exercises/dance moves are classified into sections such as Combat, Fat Burner and Bums/Tums, all of which are easy to learn and will help you attain a completely toned and lissom body.
Pilates Weekly Workout
If Pilates is more your thing, go for this one. Pilates Weekly Workout comes with three 25 minute routines that will relax and strengthen your body. You can follow each routine separately or combine them to create your own Pilates plan. The exercises focus on working your postural muscles, endurance, flexibility, coordination and muscle rebalancing. The instructor, Lynne Robinson, is knowledgeable and will patiently guide you through every exercise.
Convenient and affordable, fitness DVDs are popular worldwide. Pick one of these, depending on what appeals to you.
10 Minute Core Workout
The hip structure plays a big role in the support of the lumber spine, as do the back muscles of the latissimus dorsi and trapezius. The latissumus dorsi attaches from the upper arm and scapula down onto the ribs, thoracic spine and iliac crest of the pelvis. The trapezius attaches as low down as the 12th vertebrae in the thoracic spine. So both these muscles play a major role in the stability of the mid-section.
The hamstrings also play a major role in hip stability as do the gluteal muscles and it is no myth that having a strong hip structure can help alleviate lower back pain and is something I have and will continue to strengthen in clients of mine.
So fit ball crunches and lying leg raises won't cut the mustard when it comes to training 'the core'. In fact, it could be doing more harm than good. Many people have sedentary jobs, sitting down a lot, which can over time lengthen out the muscles of the lower back and shorten the muscles of the abdomen.
By doing more crunches and leg raises, you are just shortening already shortened muscles and putting the hips structure in a more vulnerable position. Is it any reason that I come across so many people with lower back pain?
By working with my clients, I can help build a much stronger and healthier 'core' by working the body as a whole. Eric Cressey and many top strength coaches fall into the camp that the 'core' encompasses pretty much the entire body and I agree with them.
Here is a great core workout, which you can do in 10 minutes every other day. This will help improve strength to the abdominal muscles and lower back muscles as well as the hip structure and posterior chain (back of the body).
The exercises are to be done in a circuit, which are to be done 2-3 times. Have a 1-2 minutes rest between sets.
10 minute core workout:
Ab wheel role out - 10 role outs
Right foot back offset reverse step kettle bell or dumbbell lunge - 10 Reps
Left foot back offset reverse step kettle bell or dumbbell lunge - 10 Reps
Single leg plank - 30 seconds
For those who cannot perform an ab wheel role out, you can use a fit ball instead. Make sure with both exercises that your gluteal muscles are engaged, locking the lower spine in place. The only movement should be at the knee and shoulder joints.
For the lunges, hold a kettle bell or dumbbell at chest height with one arm. Step back onto the opposite foot e.g. hold the kettle bell with your right arm and step back onto your left foot. You will feel quite unstable to start with.
The hamstrings also play a major role in hip stability as do the gluteal muscles and it is no myth that having a strong hip structure can help alleviate lower back pain and is something I have and will continue to strengthen in clients of mine.
So fit ball crunches and lying leg raises won't cut the mustard when it comes to training 'the core'. In fact, it could be doing more harm than good. Many people have sedentary jobs, sitting down a lot, which can over time lengthen out the muscles of the lower back and shorten the muscles of the abdomen.
By doing more crunches and leg raises, you are just shortening already shortened muscles and putting the hips structure in a more vulnerable position. Is it any reason that I come across so many people with lower back pain?
By working with my clients, I can help build a much stronger and healthier 'core' by working the body as a whole. Eric Cressey and many top strength coaches fall into the camp that the 'core' encompasses pretty much the entire body and I agree with them.
Here is a great core workout, which you can do in 10 minutes every other day. This will help improve strength to the abdominal muscles and lower back muscles as well as the hip structure and posterior chain (back of the body).
The exercises are to be done in a circuit, which are to be done 2-3 times. Have a 1-2 minutes rest between sets.
10 minute core workout:
Ab wheel role out - 10 role outs
Right foot back offset reverse step kettle bell or dumbbell lunge - 10 Reps
Left foot back offset reverse step kettle bell or dumbbell lunge - 10 Reps
Single leg plank - 30 seconds
For those who cannot perform an ab wheel role out, you can use a fit ball instead. Make sure with both exercises that your gluteal muscles are engaged, locking the lower spine in place. The only movement should be at the knee and shoulder joints.
For the lunges, hold a kettle bell or dumbbell at chest height with one arm. Step back onto the opposite foot e.g. hold the kettle bell with your right arm and step back onto your left foot. You will feel quite unstable to start with.
EXCLUSIVE: Amy Childs talks fitness, beauty tips and coping with fame
Amy Childs knows pretty much everything there is to know about beauty — so when we had a chat with the star, we couldn't wait to get her tips.
Speaking exclusively to Yahoo! omg! Amy Childs told us: "Always take your makeup off at night. When I was 12 or 13 I never took my makeup off and I really noticed the difference in my skin."
She went on to say regular trips to the beauty salon are also a must: "Have regular facials, and as my mum's always told me, have a pedicure and a manicure. Nice nails and nice feet is the way forward."
Amy went on to tell us that whenever she's feeling down in the dumps, she likes to spruce herself up by having a good old pampering session.
"When you don't feel great, do a work out, put fake tan on, do your eyelashes. That's what I do when I feel quite low," she told us.
Amy, who's about to release her first fitness DVD, explained that she's always had a healthy attitude towards diet and exercise and hasn't felt any pressure to maintain a super-skinny figure since finding fame on TOWIE.
"I'm quite good at my fitness, I go for regular runs. I do work out a lot, I do eat sensibly," she told us. However, after watching herself on the first series of TOWIE, Amy decided to tone down her makeup.
"It made me think about my makeup, not my body," she told us. "In series one [of TOWIE] I was like 'Amy, why are you putting all this makeup on?' I had this thick makeup on that I couldn't even open my eyes it was so caked. So that aspect I've changed. Not really body."
But with such a gorge face and stunning figure, how does Amy fight off comments from people who are well jel?
"I'm quite a positive person," she said. "All this negative energy — I hate it. It literally goes over my head. I just think, 'You're jel.' When I first started TOWIE I got criticised for my makeup, but I literally let it go over my head."
Speaking exclusively to Yahoo! omg! Amy Childs told us: "Always take your makeup off at night. When I was 12 or 13 I never took my makeup off and I really noticed the difference in my skin."
She went on to say regular trips to the beauty salon are also a must: "Have regular facials, and as my mum's always told me, have a pedicure and a manicure. Nice nails and nice feet is the way forward."
Amy went on to tell us that whenever she's feeling down in the dumps, she likes to spruce herself up by having a good old pampering session.
"When you don't feel great, do a work out, put fake tan on, do your eyelashes. That's what I do when I feel quite low," she told us.
Amy, who's about to release her first fitness DVD, explained that she's always had a healthy attitude towards diet and exercise and hasn't felt any pressure to maintain a super-skinny figure since finding fame on TOWIE.
"I'm quite good at my fitness, I go for regular runs. I do work out a lot, I do eat sensibly," she told us. However, after watching herself on the first series of TOWIE, Amy decided to tone down her makeup.
"It made me think about my makeup, not my body," she told us. "In series one [of TOWIE] I was like 'Amy, why are you putting all this makeup on?' I had this thick makeup on that I couldn't even open my eyes it was so caked. So that aspect I've changed. Not really body."
But with such a gorge face and stunning figure, how does Amy fight off comments from people who are well jel?
"I'm quite a positive person," she said. "All this negative energy — I hate it. It literally goes over my head. I just think, 'You're jel.' When I first started TOWIE I got criticised for my makeup, but I literally let it go over my head."
Defibrillator call after Saintfield woman collapses
A County Down woman who was saved by a passer-by after her heart stopped and she collapsed on the street wants defibrillators to be installed in public places.
Lynda Donaldson suffered a cardiac arrest outside her Saintfield restaurant last year.
A first aid trainer spotted her and used a defibrillator which he had in his car boot to revive her.
Now the PSNI has said they will pay for a defibrillator for the town.
Lynda was with her husband when she collapsed.
"I had had no pain, nothing," she said.
"We had been out for our lunch and were having a good day and just as we got to the door, I felt, all of a sudden, dizzy and went to put my hand out to Grahame to say 'I feel dizzy' and I didn't even get the words out," she said.
Nurse Michelle McAvoy, who was passing, gave Lynda cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
First aid trainer Philip Batt also happened to be passing and noticed a commotion on the street.
"I thought I was seeing things to be honest," he said.
"I pulled over and grabbed my equipment out of the back out of the back of the car, the first aid kit, the defibrillator and the oxygen that I was carrying."
The incident happened on the Main Street in Saintfield
Defibrillators can cost between £700 and £1,000. The PSNI are going to use the money they get for community relations to pay for one for Saintfield.
Chief Inspector Deidre Bones said: "Obviously the people who are going to be using it are going to have to be trained, but it is definitely a very valuable asset to have at hand should the situation arise.
"We've seen the case of Fabrice Muamba, the Bolton Wanderers footballer, recently who took a cardiac arrest on the football pitch.
"So you know this can happen at any particular time and it can happen to anybody."
Ms Donaldson has now started a campaign to buy defibrillators.
"You need to get them into schools and get young ones trained and coming through because in a number of years time we'll have lots of people who are able to do this," she said.
"If you don't get the proper assistance within eight to ten minutes you just don't survive and that is just how critical it is with cardiac arrest," she said.
"How can I ever thank those people for saving my life? They are just amazing."
Lynda Donaldson suffered a cardiac arrest outside her Saintfield restaurant last year.
A first aid trainer spotted her and used a defibrillator which he had in his car boot to revive her.
Now the PSNI has said they will pay for a defibrillator for the town.
Lynda was with her husband when she collapsed.
"I had had no pain, nothing," she said.
"We had been out for our lunch and were having a good day and just as we got to the door, I felt, all of a sudden, dizzy and went to put my hand out to Grahame to say 'I feel dizzy' and I didn't even get the words out," she said.
Nurse Michelle McAvoy, who was passing, gave Lynda cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
First aid trainer Philip Batt also happened to be passing and noticed a commotion on the street.
"I thought I was seeing things to be honest," he said.
"I pulled over and grabbed my equipment out of the back out of the back of the car, the first aid kit, the defibrillator and the oxygen that I was carrying."
The incident happened on the Main Street in Saintfield
Defibrillators can cost between £700 and £1,000. The PSNI are going to use the money they get for community relations to pay for one for Saintfield.
Chief Inspector Deidre Bones said: "Obviously the people who are going to be using it are going to have to be trained, but it is definitely a very valuable asset to have at hand should the situation arise.
"We've seen the case of Fabrice Muamba, the Bolton Wanderers footballer, recently who took a cardiac arrest on the football pitch.
"So you know this can happen at any particular time and it can happen to anybody."
Ms Donaldson has now started a campaign to buy defibrillators.
"You need to get them into schools and get young ones trained and coming through because in a number of years time we'll have lots of people who are able to do this," she said.
"If you don't get the proper assistance within eight to ten minutes you just don't survive and that is just how critical it is with cardiac arrest," she said.
"How can I ever thank those people for saving my life? They are just amazing."
Zumba Dance Shoes Are They Really Needed or Is It a Big Marketing Ploy
If you're like most people who are just getting started taking zumba, you're probably contemplating whether or not to spend a small fortune on a new pair of sneakers that you may or may not even need.
What is zumba anyway? Zumba is a high-calorie, fat burning, supersonic exercise program, that's easy to follow. (of course, the better the instructor the easier it is to follow). However, the moves are simple and the instructors use non-verbal leads.
Zumba is exhilarating and the red-hot Latin music takes your mind off of all of that fat burning, weight loss stuff. For a matter of fact, you won't even realize you're exercising until you get home.
Now at that point, don't be surprise if your stomach ends-up feeling like one person set on you and held you down, while someone else proceeded to beat your stomach like a drum.
Anyway, zumba is a craze that has taken the world by a storm and has been going strong for over 10 years. So if you're still questioning whether or not to purchase special shoes for zumba, don't think twice, unless, you want your feet to feel like your stomach.
Now the difference in a zumba dance shoes and regular athletic sneakers is all in the construction of the shoe. Think about how all of the other sneakers were created. Most sneakers were designed or created for a specific purpose or what the industry would call "a need"
For instance, runner shoes were designed for runner's specific problems. Next there were cross-training sneakers, which were designed to be more durable to handle the harsh punishment from the physical exercises.
All that being said, the Zumba founders and instructors, realized that the sneakers that were on the market was missing important elements: (1) a much lighter-weight shoe was needed (2) more flexibility was cruel (3) it needed to be multi-directional.
As a result zumba dance shoes were created. I've read numerous of testimonials of people whose feet would hurt them after taking zumba and once they switch their sneakers and purchase a much lighter, more flexible shoe, it made the world of difference.
Keep in mind that the "zumba brand" of sneaker isn't the only company manufacturing this type of sneaker.( which is called a dance-fitness sneaker) Other company's such as Nike, Puma and others have come up with their own version of dance-fitness sneakers.
There are many problems that can be associated with wearing incorrect shoes for specific sporting activities. According to recent research, it states that runners could apply as much force as 8 times their body weight, which could potentially injury their knees, feet, and ankles and other injuries.
What is zumba anyway? Zumba is a high-calorie, fat burning, supersonic exercise program, that's easy to follow. (of course, the better the instructor the easier it is to follow). However, the moves are simple and the instructors use non-verbal leads.
Zumba is exhilarating and the red-hot Latin music takes your mind off of all of that fat burning, weight loss stuff. For a matter of fact, you won't even realize you're exercising until you get home.
Now at that point, don't be surprise if your stomach ends-up feeling like one person set on you and held you down, while someone else proceeded to beat your stomach like a drum.
Anyway, zumba is a craze that has taken the world by a storm and has been going strong for over 10 years. So if you're still questioning whether or not to purchase special shoes for zumba, don't think twice, unless, you want your feet to feel like your stomach.
Now the difference in a zumba dance shoes and regular athletic sneakers is all in the construction of the shoe. Think about how all of the other sneakers were created. Most sneakers were designed or created for a specific purpose or what the industry would call "a need"
For instance, runner shoes were designed for runner's specific problems. Next there were cross-training sneakers, which were designed to be more durable to handle the harsh punishment from the physical exercises.
All that being said, the Zumba founders and instructors, realized that the sneakers that were on the market was missing important elements: (1) a much lighter-weight shoe was needed (2) more flexibility was cruel (3) it needed to be multi-directional.
As a result zumba dance shoes were created. I've read numerous of testimonials of people whose feet would hurt them after taking zumba and once they switch their sneakers and purchase a much lighter, more flexible shoe, it made the world of difference.
Keep in mind that the "zumba brand" of sneaker isn't the only company manufacturing this type of sneaker.( which is called a dance-fitness sneaker) Other company's such as Nike, Puma and others have come up with their own version of dance-fitness sneakers.
There are many problems that can be associated with wearing incorrect shoes for specific sporting activities. According to recent research, it states that runners could apply as much force as 8 times their body weight, which could potentially injury their knees, feet, and ankles and other injuries.
Who Is Tony Horton?
For those of you fitness buffs, you may be familiar with him by his Power 90 Extreme (P90X) program that frequently graces TV ads as well as his ripped body that is the envy of lanky men everywhere. But for those of you who have absolutely no clue who he is, here's a brief introduction to Tony Horton and his secrets to attaining the ideal body.
The 52 year-old Tony Horton has a long and illustrious history in the area of fitness. Before he hit gold with his popular P90X program, he served as the spokesperson of the NordicTrack fitness machine empire. His exercise techniques has gained widespread recognition, as evidenced by the success of his ASH Fitness training center in Santa Monica, CA; features in Men's Fitness, People, and LA Health; and multiple appearances on national television. He also trained athletes and some of the most notable denizens of Hollywood, such as Antonio Banderas in preparation for his grueling role in the film The 13th Warrior, David Akers of the Philadelphia Eagles who names the P90X Extreme Home Fitness program as a major factor in helping him set his NFL record, as well as Ewan McGregor, Sean Connery and Bruce Springsteen, to name a few. Today, his fitness empire has grown into a lucrative body that builds its name on the effectiveness of his routines and the magnetic personality of the man that built it. Aside from the P90X, other fitness programs under the Tony Horton brand include the Power 90?,One on One with Tony Horton Power Half Hour?, Tony & the Kids! (for kids ages 5 to 12), Tony & the Folks! (for senior citizens), Great Body Guaranteed!?, the 10-Minute Trainer? (for those who have the will to be fit but not enough time to spare), and the P90X+ (for advanced fitness enthusiasts). Together, these programs have brought in $200 million in sales, a testament to the trustful relationship this man has cultivated with his followers for almost two decades. But Tony Horton was not always as fit and trim as he is now. In fact, Tony Horton started out pretty much like any guy who is embarking on fitness for the first time.
Before becoming the Tony Horton, Tony Horton was a bony fast-food addict with a distaste for exercise and a dream of becoming an actor when he left for Hollywood after finishing college in University of Rhode Island. This native of Trumbull, Connecticut arrived in LA a 98-pound weakling, and though he enjoyed some success as a stand-up comedian he was promptly told by his agent to get in shape if he is to make it in showbiz. And so Tony began working out in World Gym, the home of bodybuilder-turned-actor-turned-California-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, in order to get the required physique. While there, Tony took note of the celebrity's workout and nutrition programs but made his own adjustments. He was after a sleek, athletic look, as opposed to Schwarzenegger's ungainly bulk, and so he tailored his exercise routines to work on speed, balance, flexibility, and muscle growth. Tony later incorporated interval training as part of his regimen, and before long the gangly guy who never had much interest in exercise became the fitness powerhouse that he is now.
The 52 year-old Tony Horton has a long and illustrious history in the area of fitness. Before he hit gold with his popular P90X program, he served as the spokesperson of the NordicTrack fitness machine empire. His exercise techniques has gained widespread recognition, as evidenced by the success of his ASH Fitness training center in Santa Monica, CA; features in Men's Fitness, People, and LA Health; and multiple appearances on national television. He also trained athletes and some of the most notable denizens of Hollywood, such as Antonio Banderas in preparation for his grueling role in the film The 13th Warrior, David Akers of the Philadelphia Eagles who names the P90X Extreme Home Fitness program as a major factor in helping him set his NFL record, as well as Ewan McGregor, Sean Connery and Bruce Springsteen, to name a few. Today, his fitness empire has grown into a lucrative body that builds its name on the effectiveness of his routines and the magnetic personality of the man that built it. Aside from the P90X, other fitness programs under the Tony Horton brand include the Power 90?,One on One with Tony Horton Power Half Hour?, Tony & the Kids! (for kids ages 5 to 12), Tony & the Folks! (for senior citizens), Great Body Guaranteed!?, the 10-Minute Trainer? (for those who have the will to be fit but not enough time to spare), and the P90X+ (for advanced fitness enthusiasts). Together, these programs have brought in $200 million in sales, a testament to the trustful relationship this man has cultivated with his followers for almost two decades. But Tony Horton was not always as fit and trim as he is now. In fact, Tony Horton started out pretty much like any guy who is embarking on fitness for the first time.
Before becoming the Tony Horton, Tony Horton was a bony fast-food addict with a distaste for exercise and a dream of becoming an actor when he left for Hollywood after finishing college in University of Rhode Island. This native of Trumbull, Connecticut arrived in LA a 98-pound weakling, and though he enjoyed some success as a stand-up comedian he was promptly told by his agent to get in shape if he is to make it in showbiz. And so Tony began working out in World Gym, the home of bodybuilder-turned-actor-turned-California-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, in order to get the required physique. While there, Tony took note of the celebrity's workout and nutrition programs but made his own adjustments. He was after a sleek, athletic look, as opposed to Schwarzenegger's ungainly bulk, and so he tailored his exercise routines to work on speed, balance, flexibility, and muscle growth. Tony later incorporated interval training as part of his regimen, and before long the gangly guy who never had much interest in exercise became the fitness powerhouse that he is now.
Lose Weight While Exercising - 3 Tips You Can't Do Without
If you want to lose weight while exercising, then the following tips will help you take your progress and kick it into high gear. Many people often overlook some of the key techniques that they can use while exercising to lose weight that will really speed up their progress results.
These techniques aren't extreme program overhauls, but rather, a minor adjustment that will really crank up your total calorie burn and ensure that you are able to lose weight while exercising that much better than you were before.
Let's go over the main points that you should know so that you can see success by exercising to lose weight.
Superset Your Exercises
The very first way to help yourself lose weight while exercising is to incorporate supersets into the mix. A superset is where you're going to take two exercises and pair them right back to back with each other. So you'd perform the first exercise and then immediately go into the next exercise with little to no rest in between.
By doing so, you'll increase how many calories you burn after the session is completed and help to deplete your muscle glycogen levels. Depleted muscle glycogen, to a slight extent, also increases the rates of fat oxidation taking place in the body, increasing your fat loss progress.
Decrease Your Rest Periods
Second, the next key thing that you must remember if you're going to be exercising to lose weight is that you should aim to keep your rest periods as short as possible. This is going to assist with ensuring that you maintain a higher heart rate, which is one of the key things that is necessary for top level success.
Those who are keeping their heart rate up will not only derive great cardiovascular benefits from the session, but they'll also get greater metabolic responses from the workout as well. Aim to keep the rest periods to 30 seconds or less between sets.
Focus On Compound Movements
Finally, the last important point to note if you want to see the best results as you lose weight while exercising is to focus on compound movements. These are the exercises that will work more total muscle fibers at once, which is critical to seeing your calorie burn skyrocket.
Those who perform isolation exercise after isolation exercise will be quickly disappointed in the results that they see due to the fact that they just aren't causing enough muscle fibers to be stimulated. With a low muscle fiber stimulation rate, your total calorie burn is lower and you won't see the strength gains you otherwise would either.
While a few isolation exercises can be added to the end of your workout program if you really want to, the majority of the exercises you perform must be compound in nature.
That's what will bring you optimal success.
So there you have the key points to note to help you lose weight while exercising. Focus on these as you're going about your workout and you can feel confident you're on the road to success.
These techniques aren't extreme program overhauls, but rather, a minor adjustment that will really crank up your total calorie burn and ensure that you are able to lose weight while exercising that much better than you were before.
Let's go over the main points that you should know so that you can see success by exercising to lose weight.
Superset Your Exercises
The very first way to help yourself lose weight while exercising is to incorporate supersets into the mix. A superset is where you're going to take two exercises and pair them right back to back with each other. So you'd perform the first exercise and then immediately go into the next exercise with little to no rest in between.
By doing so, you'll increase how many calories you burn after the session is completed and help to deplete your muscle glycogen levels. Depleted muscle glycogen, to a slight extent, also increases the rates of fat oxidation taking place in the body, increasing your fat loss progress.
Decrease Your Rest Periods
Second, the next key thing that you must remember if you're going to be exercising to lose weight is that you should aim to keep your rest periods as short as possible. This is going to assist with ensuring that you maintain a higher heart rate, which is one of the key things that is necessary for top level success.
Those who are keeping their heart rate up will not only derive great cardiovascular benefits from the session, but they'll also get greater metabolic responses from the workout as well. Aim to keep the rest periods to 30 seconds or less between sets.
Focus On Compound Movements
Finally, the last important point to note if you want to see the best results as you lose weight while exercising is to focus on compound movements. These are the exercises that will work more total muscle fibers at once, which is critical to seeing your calorie burn skyrocket.
Those who perform isolation exercise after isolation exercise will be quickly disappointed in the results that they see due to the fact that they just aren't causing enough muscle fibers to be stimulated. With a low muscle fiber stimulation rate, your total calorie burn is lower and you won't see the strength gains you otherwise would either.
While a few isolation exercises can be added to the end of your workout program if you really want to, the majority of the exercises you perform must be compound in nature.
That's what will bring you optimal success.
So there you have the key points to note to help you lose weight while exercising. Focus on these as you're going about your workout and you can feel confident you're on the road to success.
Burn 100 Calories in 10 Minutes and Lose Weight
Looking for a fast way to burn 100 calories? A short burst of intense physical workout will do the trick. A cardiovascular workout raises the heart rate and boosts your metabolism, which can help burn calories throughout the day. If you are looking to lose a little extra weight then here are some ways to burn one hundred calories in ten minutes:
Jogging,Going for a run or a jog on a regular basis can improve your overall health and fitness. It provides a great cardiovascular workout. Plus it strengthens your muscles and tones up your body. If you can set yourself a pace of around 1 mile in 10 minutes the you will burn 100 calories.
Swimming,Simming is another great cardiovascular workout, it builds muscle strength and endurance. So head down to the local swimming pool and do a few laps.
Jump Rope,Not only does it help your balance and coordination, jumping rope is a fantastic aerobic exercise. Skipping can be an intense workout, but if you can last 10 minutes, then you will have burned 100 calories.
Cycling,You can tone and strengthen your thighs wile doing this exercise, but to burn 100 calories you will have to put some effort in and keep a good pace, but jumping on your bike and going for a short ride will do the trick.
Step Aerobics,Step Aerobics can help endurance, strength and flexibility, but Keep it fast paced, doing around 30 steps a minute will shed those calories.
Jumping Jacks,As with the jump rope, it can get quite intense after a few minutes, but keep it up and you will burn 100 calories in ten minutes.
Suana,Relax after that intensive workout and spend 10 minutes in the sauna.
These 10 minute calorie burning tips are based on a person weighing around 130-150 pounds.
Jogging,Going for a run or a jog on a regular basis can improve your overall health and fitness. It provides a great cardiovascular workout. Plus it strengthens your muscles and tones up your body. If you can set yourself a pace of around 1 mile in 10 minutes the you will burn 100 calories.
Swimming,Simming is another great cardiovascular workout, it builds muscle strength and endurance. So head down to the local swimming pool and do a few laps.
Jump Rope,Not only does it help your balance and coordination, jumping rope is a fantastic aerobic exercise. Skipping can be an intense workout, but if you can last 10 minutes, then you will have burned 100 calories.
Cycling,You can tone and strengthen your thighs wile doing this exercise, but to burn 100 calories you will have to put some effort in and keep a good pace, but jumping on your bike and going for a short ride will do the trick.
Step Aerobics,Step Aerobics can help endurance, strength and flexibility, but Keep it fast paced, doing around 30 steps a minute will shed those calories.
Jumping Jacks,As with the jump rope, it can get quite intense after a few minutes, but keep it up and you will burn 100 calories in ten minutes.
Suana,Relax after that intensive workout and spend 10 minutes in the sauna.
These 10 minute calorie burning tips are based on a person weighing around 130-150 pounds.
Reasons Why Sleep is Important to Your Well Being
Although most people will love the notion of sleep, they do not realize how important sleep can be in their daily health and fitness efforts. In fact, after eating and drinking, perhaps the second most important daily activity that you can do in your life is definitely to get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep every day.
However, with the hectic style of living that we experience today, most people don't appreciate the importance of sleep. Thus many people find a way to bypass their sleep as much as possible. Unfortunately, this creates a lot of problems related to their health and fitness for the reasons stated below.
Most importantly, sleep is an important recuperative process in our bodies. Sleep allows our bodies to recuperate and regenerate themselves. Studies show that most of cellular rebuilding that takes place in our bodies is done during the sleep period. Hence many different physiological and chemical processes take place while we sleep. Thus as a result we wake up energized and refreshed after a long day.
Sleep is also important in strengthening the immune system in our bodies. Studies show that the immune system in the human body gets severely suppressed after 24 hours of sleep deprivation. After 48 hours of sleeplessness, the functioning of the immune system is severely compromised. Hence it is important to make sure that you sleep at least 6 hours every day to allow your immune system to function at its maximum peak. However, physicians also recommend that you sleep every day around the same time for best results.
Another interesting statistical correlation that medical researchers have collaborated is the fact that people who sleep too much or too little are more prone to obesity compared to people who sleep an average of 6 hours a day. Statistics show that under sleepers gain extra weight much more faster than people who sleep too much. But in any case, both sides of the equation create a weight imbalance in your body.
Sleep is also closely linked with your emotional well being. Recent studies show that people who do not sleep an average of 6 to 8 hours a day are more prone to depression and anxiety attacks. Due to various hormonal balances that are regulated during our sleep, our emotional state is also refreshed like our physical being. Sleep acts somewhat like a meditation and thus you should make sure to sleep every day to create a more emotionally and physically sound body.
However, with the hectic style of living that we experience today, most people don't appreciate the importance of sleep. Thus many people find a way to bypass their sleep as much as possible. Unfortunately, this creates a lot of problems related to their health and fitness for the reasons stated below.
Most importantly, sleep is an important recuperative process in our bodies. Sleep allows our bodies to recuperate and regenerate themselves. Studies show that most of cellular rebuilding that takes place in our bodies is done during the sleep period. Hence many different physiological and chemical processes take place while we sleep. Thus as a result we wake up energized and refreshed after a long day.
Sleep is also important in strengthening the immune system in our bodies. Studies show that the immune system in the human body gets severely suppressed after 24 hours of sleep deprivation. After 48 hours of sleeplessness, the functioning of the immune system is severely compromised. Hence it is important to make sure that you sleep at least 6 hours every day to allow your immune system to function at its maximum peak. However, physicians also recommend that you sleep every day around the same time for best results.
Another interesting statistical correlation that medical researchers have collaborated is the fact that people who sleep too much or too little are more prone to obesity compared to people who sleep an average of 6 hours a day. Statistics show that under sleepers gain extra weight much more faster than people who sleep too much. But in any case, both sides of the equation create a weight imbalance in your body.
Sleep is also closely linked with your emotional well being. Recent studies show that people who do not sleep an average of 6 to 8 hours a day are more prone to depression and anxiety attacks. Due to various hormonal balances that are regulated during our sleep, our emotional state is also refreshed like our physical being. Sleep acts somewhat like a meditation and thus you should make sure to sleep every day to create a more emotionally and physically sound body.
Turbo Fire - Chalene Johnson's Best Workout Yet - Burn 9X More Calories And Melt Away The Fat
Chalene Johnson has brought you fantastic workout programs like Chalean Extreme and Turbo Jam and now you can get in on the best fat burning workout with Turbo Fire
Let me tell you something, if you are ready to really get the lean results that you want, then stop wasting your money on useless diet pills and gizmos and gadgets that you see on TV that never work. You know they never work but you see, our desire to get in shape and feel great about our figure is so strong that we fall prey to unscrupulous advertisers and their garbage. Fortunately, Turbo Fire is a workout program based on scientifically proven methods that will help you burn 9 times more calories than regular cardio. That doesn't sound too bad, huh?
Turbo Fire consists of 10 workout DVD's that are super fun to do. I know this sounds like a lot of hype but if you search just for teaser online, you will see that you will be kicking and dancing and jumping to great music and before you know it, the workout is over and you are covered in sweat, you burned tons of calories and you simply feel like a million bucks! What could be better?
Depending on which version you order, you can get a couple of free gifts like sculpting bands that will help you tone and stretch your muscles to give them a leaner appearance. But the regular version comes with the DVD's a fitness guide, online support and one feature that I really liked that is a "one on one" session with Chalene, where she shows you how to do each move in order to get the most out each workout and more importantly, to avoid injuries.
Chalene's Turbo Fire is backed by a 30 day money back guarantee, which means that if in 30 days you discover that you don't like the workouts or the results, you can return it for your money back. Customer service is top notch as it is distributed by Beachbody products, who are also responsible for other very successful titles like P90X and Insanity. So, you have nothing to worry about. Are you ready to melt the love handles away?
Let me tell you something, if you are ready to really get the lean results that you want, then stop wasting your money on useless diet pills and gizmos and gadgets that you see on TV that never work. You know they never work but you see, our desire to get in shape and feel great about our figure is so strong that we fall prey to unscrupulous advertisers and their garbage. Fortunately, Turbo Fire is a workout program based on scientifically proven methods that will help you burn 9 times more calories than regular cardio. That doesn't sound too bad, huh?
Turbo Fire consists of 10 workout DVD's that are super fun to do. I know this sounds like a lot of hype but if you search just for teaser online, you will see that you will be kicking and dancing and jumping to great music and before you know it, the workout is over and you are covered in sweat, you burned tons of calories and you simply feel like a million bucks! What could be better?
Depending on which version you order, you can get a couple of free gifts like sculpting bands that will help you tone and stretch your muscles to give them a leaner appearance. But the regular version comes with the DVD's a fitness guide, online support and one feature that I really liked that is a "one on one" session with Chalene, where she shows you how to do each move in order to get the most out each workout and more importantly, to avoid injuries.
Chalene's Turbo Fire is backed by a 30 day money back guarantee, which means that if in 30 days you discover that you don't like the workouts or the results, you can return it for your money back. Customer service is top notch as it is distributed by Beachbody products, who are also responsible for other very successful titles like P90X and Insanity. So, you have nothing to worry about. Are you ready to melt the love handles away?
Six Pack Abs Fast - Amazing 10 Minute Abs Workout That Gets Results
This little 10 minute abs workout is one of my favorites, and it's an amazing system for building six pack abs fast. And the best part is that you don't have to spend hours at the gym; in fact, you don't even need the gym if you don't want, as the entire program can easily be performed at home.
Why Just 10 Minutes?
Because that's all you need to get your body into that optimum muscle-toning and fat-burning zone. Of course that's assuming you employ my "work smarter, not harder" principle. What that means is we'll only perform exercises that get the maximum benefit, and skip any that don't make the cut. While that might seem counter intuitive at first, remember that you whole body is effectively one big muscle, and while we won't be target-training smaller muscles with isolation exercises, those muscles are used while performing the bigger movements.
Like I said, More Results, Less Time.
Then 10 Minute Six Pack Ab Workout:
Start with an active warm up for a minute or two. And by "active" I don't mean peddling an exercise bike on low. You must move your body into a higher heartbeat zone, thus warming up your muscles, getting your blood (and oxygen) flowing and lubricating your joints.
Some easy warm up examples could include: Jumping jacks, jump squats, burpees, high-knee running or even sprints. Remember that your warm up will set the tone for your workout, so hit it hard and move on, don't lag through it.
Now you're ready to move on to the body of the 10 minute abs workout:
1. Bench Press or Push Ups: 2 Sets of 8.
2. Crunches: 3 Sets of 10.
3. Squats (either weighted or body weight, depending on your ability level). 2 Sets of 8.
4. Bicycle Crunches: 3 Sets of 10.
5. Pull Ups or Pull Downs. 2 Sets of 8.
This simple - but extremely effective - workout works all your major muscle groups, thus maximizing your metabolism and muscle-toning hormones. But in order to make it through this in 10 minutes, you'll need to pick up the pace. In fact, that's the most effective part of this routine - by moving quickly between sets and exercises, your body will become a fat-shredding, muscle-building machine.
Even though you're performing this workout at a quick pace, always perform each exercise with safety in mind. Stay in control of the weight throughout the entire movement. Never sacrifice personal safety in the name of six pack abs.
Why Just 10 Minutes?
Because that's all you need to get your body into that optimum muscle-toning and fat-burning zone. Of course that's assuming you employ my "work smarter, not harder" principle. What that means is we'll only perform exercises that get the maximum benefit, and skip any that don't make the cut. While that might seem counter intuitive at first, remember that you whole body is effectively one big muscle, and while we won't be target-training smaller muscles with isolation exercises, those muscles are used while performing the bigger movements.
Like I said, More Results, Less Time.
Then 10 Minute Six Pack Ab Workout:
Start with an active warm up for a minute or two. And by "active" I don't mean peddling an exercise bike on low. You must move your body into a higher heartbeat zone, thus warming up your muscles, getting your blood (and oxygen) flowing and lubricating your joints.
Some easy warm up examples could include: Jumping jacks, jump squats, burpees, high-knee running or even sprints. Remember that your warm up will set the tone for your workout, so hit it hard and move on, don't lag through it.
Now you're ready to move on to the body of the 10 minute abs workout:
1. Bench Press or Push Ups: 2 Sets of 8.
2. Crunches: 3 Sets of 10.
3. Squats (either weighted or body weight, depending on your ability level). 2 Sets of 8.
4. Bicycle Crunches: 3 Sets of 10.
5. Pull Ups or Pull Downs. 2 Sets of 8.
This simple - but extremely effective - workout works all your major muscle groups, thus maximizing your metabolism and muscle-toning hormones. But in order to make it through this in 10 minutes, you'll need to pick up the pace. In fact, that's the most effective part of this routine - by moving quickly between sets and exercises, your body will become a fat-shredding, muscle-building machine.
Even though you're performing this workout at a quick pace, always perform each exercise with safety in mind. Stay in control of the weight throughout the entire movement. Never sacrifice personal safety in the name of six pack abs.
Amber Atherton gets seriously personal trained
WELL I NEVER! Anyone would think you were brought up in a barn, dahling! Made in Chelsea's Amber Atherton has found a novel way to exercise and looks like she's jolly well enjoying herself while she does it.
Chelsea-dweller Amber found herself (put herself?) in some quite compromising positions with a personal trainer/contortionist in a park.
Presumably these were some sort of normal stretches for some sort of normal work out session, but we don't know what it is. And if you stare long enough it starts to get a bit uncomfortable. In fact at some points it looks like the guy's just tying her up.
Amber took time out from working on her jewellery company MyFlashTrash to frolic on the grass, looking very pleased with what was going on. We can’t hear posh hoots of laughter but we think we can see them.
We’ve considered the fact Amber may have an exercise DVD in mind, ‘Amber Atherton’s Absolutely Ah-mazing Abs Actions’ perhaps Although she's a slim jim so she'd have to really go for it with the Krispy Kremes to get a decent ‘before’ shot.
The workout took place in a green area in London. We're going to hazard a guess it's in Chelsea. Just a WILD, OUT THERE GUESS. A guess based on the fact the Made in Chelsea lot never go anywhere else. Unless it's abroad to Val d'Isère or St Barts, or some other place that's pronounced differently to how it's spelt (and makes us hesitate a bit when mentioning it out loud because we can never remember how it's meant to be said).
Chelsea-dweller Amber found herself (put herself?) in some quite compromising positions with a personal trainer/contortionist in a park.
Presumably these were some sort of normal stretches for some sort of normal work out session, but we don't know what it is. And if you stare long enough it starts to get a bit uncomfortable. In fact at some points it looks like the guy's just tying her up.
Amber took time out from working on her jewellery company MyFlashTrash to frolic on the grass, looking very pleased with what was going on. We can’t hear posh hoots of laughter but we think we can see them.
We’ve considered the fact Amber may have an exercise DVD in mind, ‘Amber Atherton’s Absolutely Ah-mazing Abs Actions’ perhaps Although she's a slim jim so she'd have to really go for it with the Krispy Kremes to get a decent ‘before’ shot.
The workout took place in a green area in London. We're going to hazard a guess it's in Chelsea. Just a WILD, OUT THERE GUESS. A guess based on the fact the Made in Chelsea lot never go anywhere else. Unless it's abroad to Val d'Isère or St Barts, or some other place that's pronounced differently to how it's spelt (and makes us hesitate a bit when mentioning it out loud because we can never remember how it's meant to be said).
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