
Top 4 Core Workout Exercises For Quick Results

The top 4 core workout exercises for quick results are those that use your own body weight for resistance, and are integrated with an all-over-body conditioning routine.

Floor exercises that use your body weight are one of the most effective ways, if not the best way, to bring about rapid change to core muscles. When we speak of core exercises, we are referring to a workout that engages all major muscle groups, from the pelvic region, beyond the abdominals, towards the thoracic (chest) region, and includes the back muscles.

Primarily you are lifting a percentage of your own weight to increase stability and build muscle core. With some targeted core workout exercises gravity is an additional agitator to speed up results.

In performing core exercises prepare for a challenge, away from the basic "crunch" routine. If you are a beginner, plank exercises with extended variations, may seem exceptionally daunting. For this reason bodyweight push-ups and plank combinations are geared towards individuals who are at a higher fitness level to prevent injuries.

Top 4 Core Workout Exercises

Start exercises with 2 minutes of light stretches and warm up exercises to increase blood flow and flexibility in the joints muscles.

A floor mat is recommended, though not required.

Number 1: Elbow Plank Combo
3 Variations/50 Sec Count
 Get into a regular plank position on elbows and toes. Tighten abdominals, keep back straight and neck aligned
 Hold position for a count of 10 seconds
 Lift right leg up in the air for 10 seconds
 Return to starting plank
 Transition to left leg and repeat for another 10 seconds
 Return to starting plank
 Transition into knee-to-chest exercise, alternate each leg for a count of 20 seconds.

Rest for 10 seconds; start next exercise.

Number 2: Crocodile Crawl (Push-Up Position with Hand Crawl)
30 Second Count
 Begin in push up position
 Lower torso just inches away from the floor (don't sag), hold for 10 seconds
 In the same lowered position crawl hands to the right, adjust legs to regain neutral position, hold for 10 seconds
 Repeat on the left, holding for another 10 seconds.

Rest for 10 seconds; continue with next exercise.

Number 3: Burpee
10 -20 Counts
 Begin in squat position with hands on floor in front of you
 Kick your feet back to a push up position
 Do one push-up
 Immediately return your feet to squat position
 Leap as high as possible from squat position
 Repeat 10 - 20 times

Rest for 10 seconds; continue with next exercise.

Number 4: Side Plank Variation
20 Count each side
 Lie on left side feet together. Left hand on the floor for support and right hand behind head, push off from hip to side plank position, body aligned
 Hold for 20 seconds
 Repeat on right side
 For more challenge lift the top leg off the ground. Try to keep balanced. Do not sag. Repeat
End entire workout with stretches. For best results, perform core exercises every other day in-between cardio exercises.
The plank is a good example of an isolation exercise used for developing core strength, and it really works!

The best part about a core workout is the freedom it gives in starting your exercise, anytime, anywhere and leaves little room for excuses.

