This little 10 minute abs workout is one of my favorites, and it's an amazing system for building six pack abs fast. And the best part is that you don't have to spend hours at the gym; in fact, you don't even need the gym if you don't want, as the entire program can easily be performed at home.
Why Just 10 Minutes?
Because that's all you need to get your body into that optimum muscle-toning and fat-burning zone. Of course that's assuming you employ my "work smarter, not harder" principle. What that means is we'll only perform exercises that get the maximum benefit, and skip any that don't make the cut. While that might seem counter intuitive at first, remember that you whole body is effectively one big muscle, and while we won't be target-training smaller muscles with isolation exercises, those muscles are used while performing the bigger movements.
Like I said, More Results, Less Time.
Then 10 Minute Six Pack Ab Workout:
Start with an active warm up for a minute or two. And by "active" I don't mean peddling an exercise bike on low. You must move your body into a higher heartbeat zone, thus warming up your muscles, getting your blood (and oxygen) flowing and lubricating your joints.
Some easy warm up examples could include: Jumping jacks, jump squats, burpees, high-knee running or even sprints. Remember that your warm up will set the tone for your workout, so hit it hard and move on, don't lag through it.
Now you're ready to move on to the body of the 10 minute abs workout:
1. Bench Press or Push Ups: 2 Sets of 8.
2. Crunches: 3 Sets of 10.
3. Squats (either weighted or body weight, depending on your ability level). 2 Sets of 8.
4. Bicycle Crunches: 3 Sets of 10.
5. Pull Ups or Pull Downs. 2 Sets of 8.
This simple - but extremely effective - workout works all your major muscle groups, thus maximizing your metabolism and muscle-toning hormones. But in order to make it through this in 10 minutes, you'll need to pick up the pace. In fact, that's the most effective part of this routine - by moving quickly between sets and exercises, your body will become a fat-shredding, muscle-building machine.
Even though you're performing this workout at a quick pace, always perform each exercise with safety in mind. Stay in control of the weight throughout the entire movement. Never sacrifice personal safety in the name of six pack abs.